Felipe W. Dias
Mestre em Direito e Negócios Internacionais pela Universidad Europea del Atlántico, Especialista em Direito Público com Metodologia Para o Ensino Superior e Aplicado pela FURB, Bacharel em Direito pela UNIVALI, Membro Docente da Unicesumar, Instituto Brasileiro de Direito (IbiJus) e Instituto Dias & Figueiredo, membro da Comissão de Direito Imobiliário da OABSC Secretário e atua como Advogado desde 2014.
I have been a Lawyer since 2014, specializing in Real Estate and Business Law , mainly in solutions that do not require a lawsuit.
I am a Master in Derecho y Negocios Internacionales from UNEATLANTICO, Master in Theology from WR Educacional, Specialist in Applied Law and Public Law with Higher Education Methodology from FURB, Graduated at the Superior School of Magistrates of Santa Catarina and Graduated in Law from UNIVALI..
In addition, I work as a Professor at the Brazilian Institute of Law, Assistant Secretary of the Real Estate Law Commission of the OAB/SC.
My mission is to help people and companies to identify and prevent real estate and business problems in a creative, complete and strategic way, always focused on the customer's experience, so that they can make the best possible decision in each case, in order to prevent them from becoming court proceedings.